Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Between two worlds...Christmas in California

After a few months at home in Sicily I am back in stunningly beautiful Santa Barbara with my family for Christmas. Its pure hell being stuck between two of the most beautiful places on this earth. I so love my peaceful/tranquil Villa Isabella in the Sicilian countryside but how can I not love this coastal town of Santa Barbara (my home for 30+ yrs) with almost perfect weather all year round?

Spending Christmas here with my kids, grandkids & sisters etc.....what is not to love about that.
I have been cooking cleaning doing laundry sleeping with my kids.... its heaven. You are never too old to sleep with a four year old and listen to the rambling that comes from that highly intelligent child AKA my adorable Gdaughter Miss Violet Paisley.

My daughter Isabella is growing into such a beautiful young woman it brings tears to my eyes....she is for sure going somewhere very exciting with her life..of this I am very sure.

How I miss Sicily though. I never thought I would ever want to leave Santa Barbara. Life is strange and we should never take it for granted. You never know where tomorrow might take you. Never say never!

Enjoy every second of every day and appreciate your family because at the end of everything they matter more than anything. Love you guys....you all know who you are...from Santa Barbara to Sicily to Strathaven to Indonesia.

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